Become a Community Supporter
By becoming a community supporter you will be helping the most vulnerable families in Northampton.
Become a Community Supporter for Home-Start Northampton
We work with many families with young children in Northampton that are struggling to cope with the pressures of everyday life.
We all know that a helping hand goes a long way and you can help us with that.
If you feel that you are able to give Home-Start an hour or 2 here and there, we would love you to join our team of Community Supporters.
How can a Community Supporter help?
We have a variety of ways that you could help as a Community Supporter and make a real difference to our families in Northampton.
Here are just a few….
- Supporting a family at one of our events
- Join social events and support our fundraising activities
- Help with odd jobs – painting, gardening
Sign up to become a Community Supporter today and….
You will get regular updates about our scheme
Meet our staff and home visiting volunteers
Answer the calls of help when you can!