On Tuesday 23rd November, we celebrated our 25th Anniversary at the AGM held at Courteenhall (our main sponsor), and it was great to have everyone in attendance.
We were delighted that our patron, Lord Boswell of Aynho, joined us, as well as Ann Addison, Chairman of West Northamptonshire Council. We also welcomed five new trustees, Caroline, Richard, Maria, Denise, and Karen, who are already making a significant contribution to developing our work. We announced our new fundraising group, which is keen to get event planning to raise much-needed funds.
A huge thank you goes to everyone who has supported our work this year, especially our funding partners and our incredible, indomitable, dedicated volunteers.
Matt Foreman, Scheme Manager, commented, ‘This year has been a year like none before, as we have all found out in our own lives. At Home-Start Daventry and South Northants, it has been much more than our response to the pandemic, associated lock-downs, and restrictions. Facing up to the environment that we operate in, where government money, from a wide range of sources, for charities has not been as available as in the past, where competition for grants and trusts is fiercer, and the needs of our beneficiaries are increasing in both numbers and complexity, has not been easy for us as an organisation. We come out of 2020-2021 stronger and more resilient, with work still to do.’
If you would like to get involved in our charity and are able to share your time and skills to help our work please click here for more information.
More detailed information about our charity’s performance can be found in the latest edition of our AGM Report here.